A four-day online writing retreat, which takes place prior to the ICED Conference (May 27-30, 2024), where participants will work on their own writing, provide and receive feedback from a small group of peers, and collaborate with a member of the IJAD editorial team.
Writing projects must be focused on academic/educational development in higher education, but the genre and audience for these projects are wide open; there is no expectation that participants are writing for IJAD. The retreat is open to both new and established scholars.
Participants will meet synchronously online for about 60-120 minutes each day, and then be expected to focus a significant portion of the remainder of each day (at least 6-8 hours) to make meaningful progress on their writing during the retreat. After registration, participants will be assigned to small peer groups, which will meet fully online, based on time zones.
Cost: $50 US
Please register here (Registration for the ICED Conference is not required)
For more information, please see this webpage. For questions, please email Henk Huijser (h.huijser@qut.edu.au).